I am going back to blonde. I gave it a try and I have to admit I like the "lower" maintenance of being a brunette, but I feel like a blonde, even if I'm a fake one. So now the transition begins.
3/25/10 - Sarah recently got her hair cut while Grandma and Grandpa were here. I asked Sarah if she liked her short hair, she said, "no, it's not short enough, I want it short like Grandma's hair." Sorry Sarah you don't get old lady hair yet, (mom called it old lady hair too, so she won't feel bad that I called it that)
9/25/09 - "I love when it rains...especially when it's not raining." (OK??????)
8/27/09 - Sarah called me in to wipe her poops, when I asked her if she was all done, she looked in the toilet and informed me "she pooped a whole family of poops." I guess when there's a whole family of poops you're done.
I do like this brown a lot better, this picture is so adorable.